Keynote of Frederico and Pietro from Italy.
You can see an “offline” version of the Saturday morning session from Warsaw, Poland.
Keynote of Frederico and Pietro from Italy.
You can see an “offline” version of the Saturday morning session from Warsaw, Poland.
Please take your time to read about the Nordic GeoGebra Network. It is a network of GeoGebra Institutes in the northern part of Europe.
The Nordic GeoGebra Network is a collaboration between teachers, teacher educators and researchers in mathematics education with the aim of sharing materials and exchanging experiences concerning the use of ICT in the teaching of mathematics with emphasis on the GeoGebra software.
The 3rd Nordic GeoGebra Conference is held this weekend in Tartu, Estonia. You can find my presentation here, please feel free to copy it and create your own Prezi.
GeoGebra is availible in the Chrome Web Store. The features of the web version of GeoGebra are listed in the original blog post.
There is only one problem with the Chrome App. In fact, it is not even a real problem, only GeoGebra running in the browser makes things slightly different. The lack of the right click is what I am talking about. If you right click in the browser you get the browser’s option menu. How can we access the GeoGebra functions we know from the desktop version?
Object properties, renaming an object, trace, just to name some of the functions, which were only one click away in the desktop app.
Linda Fahlberg-Stojanovska made a nice video about using the Chrome App. She answers many of these questions.
What do you think? Do you use the Chrome App?
Who are you, what are you doing?
My name is John Golden, I’m a mathematics education prof at Grand Valley State University, in western Michigan, USA. I teach future K-12 teachers, mathematics courses, and mentor student teachers.
When did you first try GeoGebra?
Fall 2009. I loved dynamic geometry, but had very little use from my students other than what I asked, since their access was limited. An open source program was a dream come true.
What do you hate in GeoGebra?
Nothing! I miss recursion a little bit, and wish the custom tools were a little more flexible, but new features get added literally faster than I could wish for them.
What do you love in GeoGebra?
So many features to love. The heart of it is the strong connection between geometric and algebraic representations. As an application, the unbelievable ease to get a new user starting is amazing.
What are the GeoGebra related activities you participate?
I use GeoGebra with students, both as a super-calculator and geometric constructer and for created activities. I help train teachers to use the program, and support local and web users via email and Twitter (@mathhombre). I use it for my own mathematics solving, and just to play.
For more details version please visit the Summer newsletter 2012 wiki page.
GeoGebra 4.2 Release Candidate
We have been working very hard over the Summer with testing, adding the last few features and fixing bugs. We need your help to catch the last few bugs, so please install the Release Candidate and try it out!
You can install the WebStart version here and the installers are here
Some of the highlights of the new version:
See our Events Map & Calendar and the GeoGebra Conference 2012 Wiki.
Upcoming conferences
Who are you, what are you doing?
I am Juan Pablo Serrano Echeverría. I am a math teacher who works as a national math adviser in the Department of Production and Management of Technological Resources, Technological Resources Direction, Ministry of Public Education, Costa Rica. I work making materials and giving workshops and videoconferences about the use of the ICT as an methodological instrument to improve the teaching and learning processes in mathematics. GeoGebra is my favourite software to do all of that.
When did you first try GeoGebra?
About 9 years ago, I was looking around the internet seaching for Java applets for my lessons. I was working in that days with Winplot and Wingeom, but I wanted a software which works in the web environment. And so, while looking and surfing the web… I found Geogebra! It was love at first sight. I began with version 2.5, then 2.6a, 2.6b and the others.
What do you love in GeoGebra?
I love everything!
If I have to choose one, I will say that the slider objects and the exportation as a web page what the first thing I love about GeoGebra. Now, the scripting features are something I am crazy about.
Geogebra is great and I like all the capabilities it has.
The spirit of Free Software is something I like very much.
What are the GeoGebra related activities you participate?
I worked in my country for a project about geometry, for the first level in highschool. We are using GeoGebra.
I participated giving two conferences and one workshop about GeoGebra in an International Math Festival in my country. At end of July and beginning of August I am going to participate as a plenary speaker at the 3rd North American Conference in Mexico and at the Latin American Conference in Colombia.
When I return to Costa Rica, I will organize and participate at a videoconferences cycle, for Central America to encourage people to use GeoGebra.
Meet Steve Phelps from the USA.
Who are you, what are you doing?
I have been a secondary school mathematics teacher at Madeira High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA for the past 22 years. I have also been a Mathematics Instructor at the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College in the Department of Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, as well as in the College of Arts and Science in the Mathematics Department for the past 10 years.
When did you first try GeoGebra?
I read an article by Markus on the Mathematical Association of America website in March of 2007. I have been using GeoGebra since that day. What was the “thing” that got me started? I was AMAZED how simple it was to do calculations with coordinates ( for example, x(A)+y(B) ). It was so difficult to do in other software 😉
What do you hate in GeoGebra?
I am not sure there is anything I hate in GeoGebra. There are some “I wish…” I think from time to time, you need to be a little “tech savvy” when in the rare instance a java issue crops up. I wish this was not the case. I think this can scare folks from time to time.
What do you love in GeoGebra?
How can I pick just one thing? Dani Novak from Ithaca College told me that he didn’t care if others used GeoGebra. He used GeoGebra because it made him happy. That is why I love GeoGebra…It makes me happy!
What are the GeoGebra related activities you participate?
I am the co-Founder and co-Director of the GeoGebra Institute of Ohio (GIOHIO), which was the first Local GeoGebra Institute in North America. We have organized the Midwest Regional GeoGebra conference for the past 2 years (attracting over 350 total participants) and will be hosting the 4th annual North American Conference in 2013.
On behalf of the GIOHIO, I run free GeoGebra workshops for teachers during the summer, as well as run free monthly GeoGebra workshops during the school year. I also share GeoGebra at State and National teacher conferences.
After introducing Guillermo P. Bautista Jr. yesterday, meet today Sanjay Gulati.
Who are you, what are you doing?
I am Sanjay Gulati from India , a mechanical engineering graduate. I am a secondary mathematics teacher and a teacher trainer.
When did you first try GeoGebra?
I came to know about GeoGebra during March-April 2009.
What do you hate in GeoGebra?
What do you love in GeoGebra?
Its visualisation capabilities and the way it reflects the dynamic nature of mathematics.
What are the GeoGebra related activities you participate?
What makes GeoGebra special, is our Community. Without the Community, GeoGebra is just a software. A very good software, but not so special as it can be with you all. As you all know, the GeoGebraTube is not yet one year old and there are more than 12000 materials uploaded. This is only possible with you.
In the following series, we are going to introduce some special members of our community, the GeoGebra Ambassadors. Our Ambassadors are special members of the community.
Meet the first member of the GeoGebra Ambassador team:
Who are you, what are you doing?
I am Guillermo P. Bautista Jr. I work at the University of the Philippines National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (UP NISMED). Our Institute is involved in teacher training, curriculum materials development, and educational research.
My work in our Institute focuses on the integration of computers in teaching mathematics. I use GeoGebra and other software to promote teaching through problem solving.
When did you first try GeoGebra?
I first tried GeoGebra in 2005. Since then, I have used it in numerous trainings, seminars, and workshops.
What do you hate in GeoGebra?
GeoGebra applets load slowly in some browsers. There are times that the applets do not load at all in old computers.
What do you love in GeoGebra?
In my blog post, 15 reasons why GeoGebra is successful, I have enumerated what I love about GeoGebra. Below are some of my reasons.
What are the GeoGebra related activities you participate?
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